Lot Type: U
Ivydale (WR 1912-18) 28 MR 14 mostly complete & part "B" class cancels on horiz pair 1d Doms. Possibly only the 4th recorded pmk from this PO.
Lot Type: C
Pohokura (NU 1894-1963) manuscript cancellations. 1894 (8 Aug & 27 Nov) pair of covers sent to Inglewood via Toko & Stratford (Taranaki). The Pohokura PO had opened 14 May 1894. The first cover has name in full in manuscript, 2nd it is shortened to POH. Some opening faults but a remarkable pair. Neither was known to A.R. Marshall but he does illustrate a late 1901 use of a relief manuscript at Pohokura & this example on a 4d First Pictorial (New Zealand Postal Manuscripts p275) is also incl (3 items).
Lot Type: C
Waikaraka (WR 1900-19) light full strike H class cancel on addressed 1d carmine QV envelope (Samuel CB 2a), 19 OC 01 Kamo & Whangarei b/s. Wooders 10; only 2nd one known to us.
Lot Type: C
1831 Missionary entire to Rev Brown, Paihia from Marsden's Church Missionary Soc, Sydney, endorsed "Rec'd by the Active 18 Sept 1831". The Active was the missionary ship used to support the Bay of Islands mission. This is said to be the earliest recorded incoming letter to NZ (R Hill, 1835 Letter to Sydney, Hocken Library ref 0498/009). Provenance Spink Oct 2015.
Lot Type: C
1835 & 1853 Two covers relating to "Hutt" naming. 1) 1835 'free front' London to Sussex rated "free" (h/s) signed by M.P. William Hutt (who the Hutt River was named after). 2) 1853 cover addressed to "River Hutt", prepaid "2"d (+ Wellington crowned circle in red). Hutt River was an early name for the settlement, hence Lower Hutt & Upper Hutt on lower & upper river.
Lot Type: C
1836 Missionary entires (2) from Mangungu Wesleyan Mission reporting to the Wesleyan Society London, relating to the progress in NZ. The 2 letters are part 1 & part 2 of the same letter, sent separately and in "duplicate". Markings indicate prepayment ("3"d in red) NSW rate to Dover (via Sydney "Post paid" ship + crown within oval in red, arrived Jan 28, 1837. "1/-" (m/s) to be paid ("India letter" 4d + Dover-London 8d). Arrived June 15 1837 (red London cds). Contents on accompanying sheet.
1840 document in Maori printed in Paihia on the first printing press in NZ. This 'Columbian press' was imported by missionary William Williams for printer William Colenso to print church related documents. Document is a W Williams translation in Maori of a Church of England catechism. Cover states Paihia 1840. Good cond.
1841-63 early newspapers (x 3) & Govt Gazette (x 1). 1) "The N.Z. Gazette and Wellington Spectator" Port Nicholson, May 1, 1841. 2) "The Victoria Times" Wellington, Sept 15, 1841 (first issue, Wellington's second newspaper, uniquely all hand-written! Cost 1/-, Provenance back to 1876 Postmaster General. 3) "NZ Herald and Auckland Gazette", Feb 26, 1842 (9d). 4) "Otago Provincial Government Gazette: June 10, 1863. Most showing signs of ageing.
Lot Type: C
1841-8 Early Auckland traders mail (3). 1) 1841 to GB sent Oct 13 arrived Louth 6.5.42 (black cds), rated "8"d, prepaid "3"d. Ship-letter & red receiving stamps on reverse. Writer complains about money scarcity / 20-30% interest, Governor Hobson & business slowdown, slow supplies ex GB, slow immigration etc. 2) 1848 entire Nelson Jan 29 arrival Auckland Commercial Bay Feb 19 via Wellington, "4" to be paid, to tin plate worker. Nice clear cdss. 3) 1848 entire ex Sydney to Rev Purchase, Auckland via "Emma", has red crowned Sydney ship letter marking, a "3"d in red & a "4"d in black. Arrived Oct 11. Request for building supplies.
Lot Type: C
1843 Kororareka mail: Entire ex Revd W.C. Dudley (Paihia) via Kororareka PO ("Paid at Kororarika" h/s in red) to the C.M.S. London, assessed as "6"d in black replaced by "8"d (2d for Captain's gratuity) arrived London (red cds) 13.9.43 "Ship letter" in black. Contains important historical information re Dudley's trip on foot to Turanga (later named Gisborne) & Ahuriri with Archd. W. Williams, meeting with Bishop Selwyn at Patanga and near death illness.
Lot Type: C
1844 & 1853 Wakefield correspondence: 1) Edward Gibbon Wakefield, founder of N.Z. Company, cover to Miss Rintoul, London, per "Stately" bears a red "Paid at Wellington" & London arrival (22.8.1853) cds & m/s "4"d paid & "1/4" owed, EG Wakefield signature on front. 2) Fine cover to Col W Wakefield, Principal Agent of N.Z. Co, Wellington who arrived 1839 on the Tory. Per "Slains Castle" cover arrived 17.2.1845 (Wellington crown in oval) via Nelson (reverse). London "Ship Letter" & "Paid" cancels also paid 8d, 4d owed in m/s.
Lot Type: C
1844 Entire to the British Consul "Wellington, New Ulster" ex Norwich via London ("14 OC 1844, Paid ship letter, London" crown in oval & framed "Paid" both in red. Also black "Wellington FE 17 1845" crown in oval, travel via Nelson - "Nelson JA 27 1845" crown in oval (clear strike). Rated "4"d in black & "8"d in red. Torn around wax seal. Clear cancels.
Lot Type: C
1844 Entire Auckland to Wellington rated "4"d in black & bearing an Imperial h/s with the place name "New Zealand" and not "Auckland" (which replaced it in 1847). Also bears a good "Wellington JA 27" crown in oval cancel. Addressed to "Port Nicholson" which was renamed Wellington in 1841!
Lot Type: C
1845? Entire to Col E.G. Wakefield of the NZ Company at Wellington, NZ from his nephew EJ Wakefield (then in Chile). Originally 2 sheets of cross written paper (of which this is the 2nd), apparently handed to a friend leaving Chile for NZ & posted (probably), on arrival, at Nelson 24 Jan 1845 (date verified from another entire ex the same correspondence). Black m/s "8" (double rate, 8d to pay), canc virtually illegible "NELSON [?] / NEW ZEALAND" framed crowned oval d/s & partial similar d/s of Wellington FE? 3? 1845. Good condition, though not complete. Historic item.
Lot Type: C
1845 Entire ex absentee landowner (Todd, Glasgow) to Wellington solicitor (Strang). Sent 5.9.1845 (red cds) 1/- paid as a Toulmin packet (Midlothian) to Sydney. Arrived Auckland on the Fanny Adams 20.2.1846 (cds) then Wellington 17 Mar (crown in oval d/s), 8d to pay (4d sea, 4d inland). Todd complains rent not paid on Lambton Quay town acre & mentions his "unfarmable" Hawtrey (Days) Bay lot is left with George Day rent free. Incls P.C. Days Bay c1900.
Lot Type: C
1845 Mail from first Auckland PO, to London bearing a type 1 "Imperial" cds (New-Zealand DE 10 1845) on reverse plus GB receiving stamp 20 MY 1846 in red. On front "4"d in red "Paid at Auckland" h/s in red for transit to GB & "1/-" in black assessed on arrival. Fine condition.
Lot Type: C
1845 Entire to London critical of Governor Fitzroy. Ex settler Robert Lander, Wellington (crown -in-oval 9.1.1845), rated "4"d in red & "8"d (ship letter, to be paid). Reverse also has receiving & ship letter h/ss. Contents: Fitzroy unliked, arbitrary laws, duties and taxes, no stability, "natives" not punished, Home Government could not sanction his actions.
Lot Type: C
1846 Colonel William Wakefield, Wellington addressed cover from H Seymour (Nelson member of the house of Assembly) ex Nelson 29 Dec (Nelson crown-within-oval, reverse), arrived Wellington (crown-within-oval) 4 JA 1847. Prepaid "8" in red & "Paid Nelson" red h/s. Reverse signed by Seymour. Wakefield was N.Z. Co Principal Agent in NZ & founder of Wellington. Fine cond.
Lot Type: C
1847 Entire to "Kia te Koroneko, Ki te Awapuni" (Colenso, Anglican deacon, Awapuni = Gisborne) from Maori preacher Wikiriwa Moka in "Pito-one" written entirely in (historic) Maori dated 13-1847. Lacks postal markings, presumed carried by Maori 'courier'. Translation by modern scholars included. Contents: concerns about deteriorating race relations, fighting, lack of progress, ref to Bishop Selwyn & Governor Grey. Aged appearance.
Lot Type: C
1847 Settler's entire to London, "via Hobart Town". Rated "8"d & "4"d in red with a crisp "Paid at Wellington" crown-on-circle (red). Superb Wellington crown-in-oval 1847 cancel in black + light black "Ship letter" h/s. Settler Henry Chapman describes Lt Governor Eyre (New Munster) as "a perfect nincompoop" now referred to verbatim in the Encyclopedia of NZ (1966) pp 604-5. Treasurer Petre described as a "mere booby" plus other comments.