Lot Type: U
Colln of 37 used (mostly FU) on pages. Incl imperf: SG 5 (4 mgn, small thin), 8 (4 mgn, poor cond), 9 (3 mgn FU), 13 (no mgns), 14 (close mgns FU), 15 & 16 (poor cond), 33 (close cut, oxidised), 38 (4 mgns, thin FU), 41 (x 2, 3 & 4 mgns), 45 (3 mgns, small thin), 55 (roulette 7, 3 sides) 77 (FU). Perf: 110, 111 (oxidised), 114, 117, 117a (single), 119 (short corner), 120, 122a, 125 (short corner), 132a, 135 (fine). The balance of perf & imperf all have faults. SG cat c£7000.
Lot Type: /
Chalon group, noted: Hausburg reprints pair & left selvedge block of 6, 6d brown imperf reprint with "SPECIMEN" type C h/s (Holcombe cert, "very rare and very few exist"), 1/- Jeffryes forgery (partial heavy toning); 1d dull orange reprint on large star wmk paper, 1855-8 no wmk 2d on blue paper used (vert crease), 1862-4 wmk large star 1d vermilion (oxidised colour), 6d 4 margins with barred cancel clear of profile, all 4 margin examples, an interesting lot.
Lot Type: /
Colln of 34 mostly used on pages. Imperf (14) incl: SG 5 (3½ margins), 9, 10 (x 2), 13, 17 (1 mgn, thins), 35 (x 3, 2 & 2 x 4 mgns), 36 (3 mgns, thins), 38 (3 mgns, fine cds), 41 (4 mgns), 43 (4 mgns, light m/s & barred cancels), 45 (4 mgns, repaired 4mm tear). Perf (20) incl (mostly FU): SG 75 (short perfs, 1 side), 108, 110 (x 2), 113-5 (x 4), 117 (m, crease), 118, 199 (fine), 120 (short perfs 1 side, toned on reverse), 122, 124 (w/c FU), 132a (w/c, m), 133 (fault), 134 (3, 2m slight oxidation & 1 FU), 136 (fine). SG cat c£7400.
Lot Type: U
Colln of 25 used mainly FU on album pages. Comprises imperf (x 13): SG 8 (3-4 close margins, small thin); 15 (x 2, 4 mgns fine, 3 tight mgns); 34 (x 2, 4 & 1 mgn); 38 (4 mgns); 40 (3 narrow mgns, 1 thin); "118" (3 mgns); 41 (no mgn, thin); 43 (x 2, damage); 44 (4 mgns FU); 85 (2 mgns, GU weak corner). Perf: SG 110 (fine), 112 (GU), 113, 118 (GU), 119(o/c), 120 (GU/FU), 122 (GU), 124 (u), 125, 132a (fine), 136 (1 side imperf), 134. SG cat c£6580.
Lot Type: U
Imperf used group: 1d SG 33 & 34, 2d SG 36, 37 (thins), 37a (tiny thin), 38 & 39, 3d SG 40, 6d SG 41-3 & 1/- SG 45 (shallow thin, large-part oval "OTAHUHU" cancel) & 46, most with full margins & generally fine to very fine. 13 stamps. SG cat £1300.
Lot Type: U
2d blue Davies prints, wmk star range on 2 annotated pages, excellent range of shades & plate wear - noted bright blue horiz pair, deep blue, greenish slate-blues & fine dull ultramarine (ex Dubois). Total 15 stamps (plus 4d die print in blue from Vol II RPSNZ Handbook).
Lot Type: CU
Davies p12½ star wmk useful colln on 5 annotated pages, 1d vermilion (4 shades), 2d blue plate 1 (1) & pl 2 (6 incl retouch & pair on mourning cover), 3d (3 incl 1 accidental imperf), 4d rose, 4d yellow (2), 6d (6 incl one on mourning cover to England), 1/- (6 incl green shade horiz pair Ex Dubois & 1 in deep green shade). Generally FU. CP cat $7000+.
Lot Type: /
1864-71 colln of 16 fine examples with SG No's: 1d 110 m, 111 m, 112 m; 2d 114 u, greenish blue u, 115 m; 3d 117 m RPSNZ cert (2007) perfs at right partly trimmed & enhanced, blue-lilac m, mauve u, 118 u; 4d 119 u, 120 u; 6d 122 m, 122a u; 1/- 124 u, 125 m. Mounted on page. SG cat c£3000.
Lot Type: U
2d blue p12½ used seln of 100 on Hagners, star wmk. A few annotations & a few retouched, nice range of shades. Tidy lot. SG 115/a etc. Cat £2200+.
Lot Type: U
Used seln of 114 on 3 Hagner pages: imperf 1d red/orange x 3, 2d x 2, 3d, 6d x 5 & 1/-. Perf: 1d red/orange x 16, 1d brown x 17, 2d blue x 14, 2d orange x 12, 3d x 9, 4d yellow x 4, 6d brown x 14, 6d blue x 10, 1/- x 6. Wide range of shades, various printings, about 6 x 2d retouches etc etc. Some very mixed cond.
Lot Type: U
Imperf used accum of 500+ stamps on s/b pages - 1d vermilion/red x 41; 2d x 127 (incl 2 on piece), 3d lilac/mauve x 35, 6d yellow-brown, 6d brown or black-brown, 6d red-brown x 279, 1/- x 40. None are obviously cut down but a few repairs seen, some are 4 margins. Most are Davies prints but some Richardson's incl at least 2 x 6d chestnut (SG 15) & a 3 margin 2d London print (SG 2), also a couple roulettes. A huge range shades, pmks, some accidental imperfs, 2d retouches etc etc. Massive cv. A remarkably large assemblage. Photocopy/scan available of whole lot.
Lot Type: U
Perf used accum of 421 arranged randomly on s/b pages: 1d red/orange x 53, 1d brown x 39, 2d blue x 62, 2d orange/vermilion x 53, 3d x 44, 4d yellow x 25, 6d brown x 74, 6d blue x 30 & 1/- x 41. Good range shades & some perf vars, some no wmk, some 2d retouches & some nice pmks. Photocopies/scans available of whole lot.
Lot Type: /
Seln on old album page, all apparently mint but several show evidence of use. Imperf: 1d x 2, 2d & 6d x 2. Perf: 1d red, 1d brown x 2, 2d blue x 2, 2d orange x 3, 3d x 2, 4d yellow, 6d blue & 1/- (tone spots).
Lot Type: M
Seln of 54 on Hagner all apparently mint. Imperf 1d red x 2, 2d blue & 6d (reprint). Perf: 1d x 15, 2d blue x 7 (incl horiz pair), 2d orange, 3d lilac x 9, 3d mauve, 4d yellow x 4, 6d brown x 6, 1/- & 1d brown x 6. A few OG, a few regummed, most no gum. Some faults but generally good appearance. Cat approx £20,000 (as mint). Scan/photocopy of whole lot available.
Lot Type: U
Perf used accum of over 2100 FFQs in full 32 page s/b: 1d red/orange x 225, 1d brown x 172, 2d blue x 428, 2d orange/vermilion x 221, 3d x 215, 4d rose x 13, 4d yellow x 112, 6d brown x 401, 6d blue x 173 & 1/- x 172. Wide range shades, 2d with retouches, some interesting cancels incl several m/ss, some no wmks, various perfs (incl about 15 x 6d p13) etc etc. Variable cond but many good items. An amazing large group. Photocopy/scan available of whole lot.