Lot Type: /
1935-42 ½d-5d seln of 429 mint & used on s/b pages. Incl ½d x 24, 1d x 101, 1½d x 40 (incl wmk invtd & reversed MUH x 2), 2d x 68, 2½d x 65 (incl single wmk invtd vert pair GU/FU), 3d x 23 (incl mult wmk invtd MUH), 4d x 48 (incl p14 line FU x 2 & MUH), 5d x 60 (incl single mult MUH x 3 & p12½ mult wmk MUH x 5). Identified by CP No's. CP cat $8150.
Lot Type: M*
1935-42 plate blocks of 4 seln: 1) ½d Fantail single wmk plate 1A MUH; 2) 1d Kiwi single wmk plate B1 MUH; 3) 2d Whare fine paper plate 3B & coarse paper plates 3A & 3B MUH; 4) 2½d Lilies p14 comb plate mint & p13¾ x 13½ plate 4 MUH (5), 5d Swordfish p13¾ x 13½ plate 2 mint; 6) 2d Whare coarse paper Official plate 5A MUH. Also incl 1d Kiwi p14 x 13½ Die 2 booklet panes x 6 x 2 with binding selvedge upright & invtd wmk panes & 9d Maori Panel p14 x 15 wmk single with selvedge MUH. CP cat $1270+.
Lot Type: U
1935-41 seln of invtd wmks: 1) ½d Fantail single wmk; 2) 1d Kiwi p14 x 13½ single wmk & p14 x 13½ mult wmk; 3) 2d Whare p14 x 13½ coarse paper mult wmk (cv $1000); 4) 2½d Lilies p14-13 x 13½ single wmk & p14-13 x 13½ mult wmk (cv of letter $600); & 5) 5d Swordfish p13-14 x 13½ mult wmk. CP cat $2155. GU/FU.
Lot Type: U
1935 ½d Fantail, clematis flaw (R8/1), single wmk paper. RPSNZ cert (2022). Although the clematis flaw is common on the multiple wmk paper, it is very scarce on the single wmk paper, this is a recent discovery. CP L1au. Cat $1750. VFU.
Lot Type: M*
1935-8 seln of invtd wmks: 1) 3d Maori girl mult wmk; 2) 4d Mitre Peak p14 x 13½ mult wmk; 3) 5d Swordfish p13-14 x 13½ mult wmk; 4) 6d Harvesting p13½ x 14 mult wmk; 5) 9d Maori Panel p14 x 14½ mult wmk; 6) 1/- Tui p14 x 13½ mult wmk; 7) 2/- Cook single wmk; 8) 3/- Egmont mult wmk. All MUH except 3/- mint. CP cat $1905 (MUH).
Lot Type: /
1935-43 6d to 3/- seln of 229 mint & used on s/b pages. Incl 6d x 35 (incl p13½ x 14 mult wmk invtd MUH), 8d x 40, 9d x 41 (incl p14 x 15 single wmk MUH x 2 & single stamp with selv MUH), 1/- x 32 (incl p12½ MUH x 6), 2/- x 50 (incl single wmk MUH x 4 & p13-14 x 13½ single wmk invtd with COQK flaw FU), FU x 31 (incl single wmk MUH x 3). Identified by CP No's. CP cat $12,350.
Lot Type: *
1935-42 2/- Cook complete series of 7 COQK flaw issues, with the 5 1936-42 issues having top selvedge, the 1941 wartime issue is horiz pair with normal & the 1942 p12½ issue is a vert pair with normal. CP cat $3330+. MUH.
Lot Type: /
1936-43 seln of over 1000 mint & used in mounts on 82 pages. Identified by SG & CP No's & categorised by perfs & wmks with several plate blocks, flaws & re-entries. No single wmk issues. Noted: ½d plate 1A (block of 9 with R8/1 clematis & R8/3 value tablet flaws, blk of 6) & plate 1B blk of 4 MUH; 2½d plate ? blk (reversed 3) & folded sheet of 72 MUH; 4d (p14 line GU/FU, plate 2 blk MUH, plate 2A blk & plate 4 blk of 6 mint); 5d (p12½ Waterlow & DLR MUH, plate 2 blks MUH & mint); 8d p12½ plate 3 blk mint; 1/- (p12½ MUH x 2, plate A1 blk mint); 2/- (p12½ MUH x 2, p13-14 x 13½ R1/4 "COQK" & R1/6 "hat" flaws - toned); 3/- R9/4 re-entry to sky MUH & FU. Also incl 75 Officials incl 1d p13½ x 14 GU & 2d p12½ GU/FU x 4. Overall fine cond.
Lot Type: /
1936-42 mult wmk colln on s/b pages with a good range of multiples, shades, perfs, paper types, flaws & varieties incl: 2/- COQK flaw both m&u (2), 3/- wmk invtd mint, 3/- block of 8 with R3/3 re-entry etc. Mint & used.
Lot Type: M*
1936-42 2/- Cook seln of flaws: 1) 1936 mult wmk R8/2 "coconuts" flaw mint; 2) 1936 mult wmk R1/6 "hat" flaw mint; 3) 1936 mult wmk R1/4 "COQK" flaw with top selvedge MUH; 4) 1939 mult wmk, p13½ x 14 Official R9/2 "dots over bow" flaw mint. CP cat $1585 (MUH).
Lot Type: *
1941-2 seln of "wartime" issues: 1) 2d Whare p14 line, p14 x 15 line & p12½ line; 2) 4d Mitre Peak p14 line & p12½ line; 3) 5d Swordfish p12½ fine & coarse; 4) 6d Harvesting p14½ x 14; 5) 8d Tuatara p12½; 6) 1/- Tui p12½; 7) 2/- Cook p12½; 8) 3/- Egmont p12½. CP cat $1115. MUH.
Lot Type: *
1941 9d red & black block of 4, p14 x 15, single wmk. CP L11d. Cat $1000. MUH.
Lot Type: *
1942 5d, 2/-, 3/- lower R/H corner vert blocks of 20 (4 x 5) plus 5d & 2/- lower selvedge blocks of 4 & 3/- plate block (No 1) of 4. Coarse paper, p13¾ x 13½. CP L8f, L13g, L14f. Cat $2368. MUH.