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1909-26 seln of about 340 mint & used on 11 s/b pages. Incl 1909 DLR with offset on back MUH x 3; 1925 DLR unsurfaced (MUH x 5, mint x 3 FU), 1925 DLR chalky with feather flaw GU/FU, 1925 Art paper (colourless wmk with horiz mesh MUH, black wmk mint, wmk on front MUH & mint), 1925 Cowan (broken N flaw GU/FU x 4, offset on back MUH) & 1926 WT broken globe flaw MUH. Identified by CP Nos. Also incl 120 used singles unclassified & not incl in CV. Mint/MUH/used. CP cat $18,500+.
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1909-26 specialised colln on 3 pages incl all papers. Incl inverted wmks, flaws, shades. Noted: 1925 DLR sideways wmk vert block of 12 (3 x 4) MUH & sideways invtd wmk blk of 4 MUH; 1925 unsurfaced paper FU. 70+ stamps.
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1909-25 massive accum/colln, much of the value in album & s/b pages. Noted 1d Auckland Exbn x 26 & 1d Victoria Land x 2, also many MUH blocks of various printings, plus many bags/boxes/bundles incl identified flaws, plate positions, plates etc etc. 10,000s stamps. Huge cv.
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1909-25 imperf seln: 1) 1909 DLR horiz pair; 2) 1925 DLR sideways wmk block of 4; & 3) 1925 Cowan chalky paper horiz pair, one with the "broken N" flaw. All stamps affected by minor gum toning not affecting appearance. CP cat $3000+. MUH.