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1953-61 QEII accum of 64 mint & used on 6 pages. Noted: 1953-7 set to 10/- m & FU & 2d Stars ovpt error MUH & FU. Also incl 98 GVI m & u on 6 pages incl m & FU sets to 3/- & plate blocks (1/- plate 1-1 block of 12 with R15/2 flaw, 1/3d plate 3A-2 block of 8, 2/- plate 1-1 block of 4 & 3/- plate 3A-1 block of 12) mint/MUH. CP cat $1680.
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1953-61 QEII colln incl to 2/6d (6 mint), 3/- (5 m incl plate block), 5/- (2 m), 10/- (6 MUH incl plate block, u) incl 1/- die 2 (2 MUH, u); large figures to 8d (10 m incl plate block); 2d Stars ovpt error m & FU; 2½d setenant surcharges (3 m, 3 u pairs); strong Officials incl 3/- (5 m incl plate block, FDC), 4d printed on gum side MUH. SG cat £2100.
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1954-63 QEII seln of 155 mint & used on s/b pages. Incl 2/6d x 2 MUH; 5/- x 2 MUH; 10/- MUH & GU/FU; 2d Stars ovpt error MUH x 3 & FU x 2; 2½d on 3d mixed setting vert pairs x 2 MUH; 3d Official invtd wmk MUH & FU; 3/- Official MUH, mint & FU. Also incl 250 GVI mint & used incl 1d red invtd wmk MUH; 1½d brown MUH; Officials set MUH (except 2/- mint). CP cat $4200+.
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1960-7 Picts colln on annotated pages, all values incl 10/- (5 m, 10 u), £1 (4 m, 1 u), some varieties with 3d yellow omitted in mint strip of 3, a curious 5d error, various papers, set of Chambon perfs in blocks of 6 etc.
Lot Type: /
1960-6 Pictorials seln of 166 mint & used on s/b pages. Incl 2½d Titoki invtd wmk FU x 2, 3/- multicolour invtd wmk MUH & FU, £1 Geyser MUH & FU x 7. Also incl 40 MUH 1967 Pictorials incl 2½c & 3c plate varieties (CP ODV4d, ODV5b, ODV5e & ODV5f). CP cat $1800.
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1965 4d Flower (Puarangi), chalky paper. SG 786d, cat £950. CP O6b, cat $2000. RPSNZ cert (2011). MUH.
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1965 4d Flower (Puarangi), chalk surfaced paper. CP O6b. Cat $2000. MUH.